Episode 1: Our Favorite Movies

Mike Earl
Tangential Space
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2017


Episode 1 of our podcast is up, you can find it on iTunes, Overcast, and Google Play.

Welcome to the first episode, we will be bringing you a new episode every two weeks. This episode we are going to help give you a look at our movie tastes with our top three favorite movies.

A list of some, but not all of the movies we discussed;

- The Rock
- Die Hard
- West World *(TV Show)
- Transformers
- Pain and Gain
- Star Wars
- Chasing Amy
- Back to the Future
- Blow
- Forest Gump
- Fight Club
- Walk the Line
- Miracle
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Indian Jones and the Last Crusade
- Inception
- The Prestige
- Stranger Than Fiction
- Tommy Boy
- Cabin in the Woods
- Cinderella Man
- Love Actually
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
- Almost Famous
- Vanilla Sky
- Garden State
- Guardians of the Galaxy
- Lord of the Rings
- The Dark Knight
- The Princess Bride
- Harry Potter Series
- Braveheart
- Gladiator

